Big Day

So today, 11th February 2016, is such a big day for Susan and me. We have spent the last six years building Mrs Moon into what it is today and we feel so excited and a little bit proud that our first book is being published!
Since CICO Books first approached us to write Simple Chic Knits, we have kept having to pinch ourselves that it is real, but now that it's actually out there is just amazing!
Designing has become part of our lives and although we have had so much feedback from our lovely customers of designs that they have made, there is something so special about seeing them in print.
We popped out for an hour or so this morning to Richmond and the lovely people at Pret gave us a latter on the house to celebrate! How lovely is that?! The sun in shining, spring is on its way and even though it looked as though our local Waterstone's has ditched its Craft section (a mistake surely?... haven't they heard about us???!!) things are looking rosy.
While building up to today we have also been manically working on our new website which you are looking at now. It marks the complete transition from bricks and mortar shop to the Mrs Moon we are today and we think it is rather lovely!
Thank you to Matthew and all the team at Infomagnet for making it such a success... and being patient... !
Onwards and upwards! Next stop, Knit & Stitch at Olympia!