The Inspiration Behind Mrs Moon

Knitting and sewing has changed so much since our mother had a shop selling fabric, yarn and haberdashery in the late 70s. At the time there was nothing exciting out there to knit and people had almost given up on making their own clothes (apart from mum, who made us identical outfits for everything). Now there is just so much beautiful yarn available and more and more people want to learn to knit, crochet and sew.
We're not uber-knitters, but love to knit and crochet and have a go! We love beautiful yarn and have been longing to find somewhere where we could spend some time, perusing yarn and patterns and getting some impartial advice. And so Mrs Moon was born.....
Our name is inspired by the poem by Roger McGough:
Mrs Moon
sitting up in the sky
little old lady
with a ball of fading light
and silvery needles
knitting the night
We hope to have the shop up and running very soon...
Watch this space!
Karen and Susan